The significance of promoting initiatives
in the region

The Need to Promote Study Abroad in Australia
for Childcare Workers and Care Workers

1.Expanding and Deepening Japan-Australia Relations

Australia is the world’s 12th largest economic power (Ministry of Finance and World Bank Surveys 2022). Since the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) came into effect in 2015, bilateral exchanges have expanded, not only in trade and investment but also tourism and education. The number of Japanese students studying abroad in Australia has increased to around 12,000, excluding the COVID-19 pandemic. In Australia, the growing demand for childcare and nursery care, driven by population growth and aging population, is supported by a well-established system for human resource development in these fields. Meanwhile, in Japan, with a declining birthrate and aging population, there is an expected increase in the demand for securing human resources in these fields, including professionals proficient in English, in response to rapid globalization. Therefore, opportunities for professionals trained in English-speaking countries are expected to grow, and the complementary relationship between Japan and Australia is also anticipated to strengthen in the fields of childcare and nursery care.

2.Characteristics of Professional Human Resource Development in Australia

As an English-speaking, multiethnic, and multicultural country, Australia has a well-established vocational training system that provides students with specialized knowledge and practical skills to meet market demands. A wide range of specialized and English language courses are available to international students. In Australia, there are many private vocational schools alongside the public institution TAFE (Technical and Further Education), and the number of Japanese students studying there is steadily increasing. The program is distinguished by its extensive practical training system in collaboration with industry, designed to develop professionals who can immediately contribute to their fields.

3. Few Study Abroad Programs for Training Childcare and Nursery Care in Japanese Education

In Japan, most training schools for childcare and nursery care focus on specialized curricula designed to prepare students for national certification within two years, leaving little time for other subjects. As a result, few schools offer programs that develop global human resources in childcare and nursery care services, leading to a lack of global adaptability. In recent years, the number of foreign children has increased, highlighting communication challenges with both the children and their parents at the childcare centers operated by our school. An increasing number of situations are arising where childcare and care workers are unable to provide sufficient support due to language barriers, which poses a risk to the quality of services. Therefore, this project aims to develop a curriculum that improves English proficiency and enhances the development of a global workforce in childcare and care services. This will improve the quality of childcare and nursery care services and foster professionals with a global perspective.

4.Education and Training Environment that Enhances Global Perspectives and Expertise for International Students

Since Australia is recognized as a multicultural society and provides a high level of education and services in childcare and nursery care, the project aimed at promoting studies in Australia to enhance global perspectives and expertise is considered as a crucial initiative for improving the quality of childcare and care services in Japan.

<Key Features of Promoting Study Abroad in Australia>

The security and safety of international students are legally protected, ensuring they can feel safe and secure during their study abroad experience.

The country has a globally recognized high standard of education, especially in specialized fields and qualification systems, making it easier to secure employment after obtaining qualifications. (In general, studying in Australia is essential for acquiring these qualifications.)

Australia offers a study-abroad system that allows students to work, providing financial stability during their studies. (Many countries generally prohibit employment on student visas.)

With people from over 200 countries living together, Australia offers an ideal environment to develop “cross-cultural understanding,” a skill that is highly valued in today’s globalized world.

Due to the minimal time difference with Japan, online study with Australian schools is possible. This allows students to improve their English skills before departure and engage in effective preparation, enhancing their understanding of their studies while abroad.”

5.Learning International Best Practices

Australia’s childcare and nursery care systems are highly regarded worldwide, and they implement advanced initiatives, including the following.

【Childcare Worker】
An advanced curriculum and evaluation standards designed to provide care and education that support children’s growth and development, allowing international students to learn the latest educational theories and practices. The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF), an Australian early childhood education curriculum, is a comprehensive framework that promotes children’s learning and development and is recognized worldwide. Research has shown that educational programs using the EYLF are effective in fostering children’s social and emotional development.

【Care Worker】
In Australia, comprehensive care plans and a user-centered approach have been implemented to ensure the quality of care for the elderly and individuals with disabilities. This allows international students to learn how to provide high-quality care. Many studies have shown that the user-centered approach in elderly care improves user satisfaction and quality of life. For example, studies in Australian aged care homes have reported that user-centered care positively impacts both the mental and physical health of residents.”

6.Implementing Human Resource Development to Meet Japan’s Social and Regional Needs through Specialized Education in English

International students have the opportunity to acquire advanced knowledge and skills, which they can then apply in their worksite in Japan.

Our institution has been providing specialized education for childcare and care workers to address the human resource needs of Okinawa Prefecture. However, opportunities to learn in English have been limited. On the other hand, Global Sky Ltd., an education provider in Australia, along with its partner schools, has been accepting individual students and offering practical training programs in recent years. By collaborating with both parties, we can create opportunities to develop global human resources in the fields of childcare and nursery care.

In Japan, several vocational schools offer English language courses to improve English proficiency and international programs that include study abroad (mainly short-term) as part of their curricula. However, there are few courses or departments that provide continuous support from qualification acquisition to employment in both countries, making this initiative highly innovative (according to our school’s research).

We are exploring the possibility of lateral spread, not only in Okinawa but also in regions with significant foreign resident populations, such as Fussa/Yokota, Iwakuni, and Yokosuka.

The demand for bilingual and multilingual childcare and care workers is increasing, and their salary levels are slightly higher than average (according to our school’s survey).

Specific Details of Initiatives to be Implemented

Outline of Initiatives

Pathway and Key Points of Differentiation

Acquire IELTS score 5.5 or higher  Obtain Certificate III

English level of IELTS 5.5 or higher must be achieved before departure.Destinations for study abroad and practical training are confirmed.

Students have job prospects after returning home, with a short interval.

Career Support
Employment in Childcare &
Nursery Care Industry

Bilingual and Multilingual Global Human Resources

To develop human resources with an understanding of English and other cultures in the fields of childcare and nursery care, we are creating a pathway for both Japanese and foreign students to obtain qualifications in Japan and English-speaking countries, enabling them to work as bilingual and multilingual childcare and nursery care professionals. The major challenge in the industry is recruiting students for childcare and nursery care programs. To address this challenge, we are focusing on the potential for both Japanese and foreign students to become bilingual and multilingual childcare and care professionals. We offer a comprehensive support system for study abroad programs, assisting students before, during, and after their time abroad. This system helps students save on study abroad costs and time by improving their English skills to the required level (IELTS 5.5 or above) while studying at our school, and we guarantee that they will have no concerns about employment opportunities upon returning.

Barriers to Studying in Australia and Their Solutions

(1)Lack of English Proficiency ⇒ A pre-study abroad program will be provided to help students acquire the required English proficiency (IELTS score of 5.5 or above) before departure.

(2)Insufficient information on study abroad destinations ⇒ Through partnerships with local schools, students can choose their study abroad destination while still enrolled at our school.

(3)Insufficient information on practical training placements ⇒Typically, students are responsible for finding their own practical training placements, but Global Sky Ltd. (and its Australian subsidiary) will secure placements for them.

(4)Concerns during study abroad ⇒ A comprehensive support system is provided by our school, partner schools, Global Sky Ltd., and the practical training facilities.

(5)Concerns about employment after study abroad ⇒ Our school’s career services department provides dedicated support to help students find employment after their study abroad.

Challenges for Child Care and Care Workers in Japan, Including Okinawa, and Solutions Through Studying Abroad in Australia

(1)Lack of international perspectives and expertise ⇒ Australia’s high standard of education and services is leveraged to enhance international perspectives and expertise.

(2)Lack of cross-cultural understanding ⇒ By studying abroad in Australia’s multicultural society, students will deepen their understanding of different cultures.

(3)Lack of practical English skills ⇒ Online and on-demand learning programs are offered to help students acquire practical English skills before their study abroad.

(4)Challenges in communicating with foreign children and elderly people ⇒ By studying abroad, students will experience the opposite perspective while benefiting from a local support system for living and learning.

Specific Initiatives to be Implemented

Pre-Study Abroad(2 years)

Study Abroad(about 1 year)

Post-Study Abroad

Establish Study Abroad Course(tentative)
Childcare Course
Nursery Care Course
  • Pre-study Abroad Program(Students & Alumni)
  • 2-week Short-term Abroad Program
  • Required English Level (IELTS5.5 or higher)
  • Preparation(Select Partner School, etc.)

Enroll in Australian Partner Schools
Japanese Childcare License
Japanese Nursery Care License
  • Specialized Courses
  • Acquisition of Certificate III
Joint Curriculum

Employment Support Securing
Recommendation Slots for Graduates
Japanese Childcare License& CertIII
Japanese Nursery Care License& Cert III
  • Career Counseling Services to
    Support Job Hunting
  • English Skill
  • Support Students in Australia
  • Coordinate with Governments
  • Support Partner School Expansion
  • Provide Practical TrainingSites
  • Proactive Hiring of Graduates
  • External Evaluation
  • Proactive Hiring of Graduates


(1)Establishment of Project Implementation Structure
Formation of Project Team
A project team has been formed around Ooba Gakuen Educational Corporation, along with educational institutions in Okinawa, Australia, and study abroad support companies.
Global Sky Ltd. leads the way in managing liaison and coordination with Australian institutions, building a strong cooperative framework through close collaboration.
(Global Sky Ltd. is an education consulting company that also owns Global Sky Education, a childcare provider.)
(2)Case Studies and Needs Assessment
Survey on the childcare and nursery care sectors in Australia.
Visited local educational institutions to assess the current situation and identify specific needs.
Identify the needs of students and local educational institutions.
Conducted questionnaires and interviews to clarify specific needs.
Assess the global human resource needs of childcare and nursery providers.
Conduct questionnaires and interviews to clarify needs and employment support measures.
(3)Development of Pre-Study Abroad Program
Recruitment of students and graduates interested in studying abroad.
A curriculum to improve English skills, including weekly classes,
online conversations with local educational institutions, and on-demand learning materials.
Curriculum Development
Develop a curriculum in collaboration with Australian educational institutions,working together with experts from each field to create a practical curriculum.
Syllabus Development
Detailed lesson plans are developed and provided to students.
(4)Development of Learning Materials and Implementation of Pilot Class
Development of teaching materials for online learning and LMS learning system.
Developed video lectures, assignments, and evaluation system.
Verification of effectiveness through pilot classes.
Pilot program will be implemented to collect feedback.

Planned Curriculum

Objectives Learning Content Learning Format Primary Material Developer
1 Improvement of Basic English Skills General English conversation covering a wide range, from beginner English to travel and business English Online (self-study) LMS System Global Sky, Ltd.
2 Practical English Conversation Practical English for childcare and Nursery Care, with Study Abroad Role-plays Hybrid of in-person and online (group work) Joint Development by Japanese and Australian Institutions
3 Acquisition of Technical Terms Glossary of Child Care and Nursery Care Terms used in Certificate III Online (self-study) Global Sky, Ltd.
4 Required English Skills (IELTS 5.5 and above) IELTS Exam Preparation Course (4 skills) Hybrid of in-person and online (self-study/group) Global Sky, Ltd.
5 IELTS Practice Test Practice Test in the Same Environment as the IELTS Test Center. Computer-based test and face-to-face Speaking test Global Sky, Ltd.
6 Preparation for Study Abroad Courses on Study Abroad Preparation, Crosscultural Understanding, Communication, Team Building, and Career Design In-person class(group work) Global Sky, Ltd.
7 Specialized Preparation for Study Abroad Japanese Specialized Course in Childcare and Nursery Care in Preparation for Study Abroad Hybrid of in-person and online (self-study/group) Joint Development by Japanese and Australian Institutions

【Before Study Abroad】Preparation for studying abroad will take place over a two-year period during the student’s enrollment at our school. The materials developed through the Japan-Australia collaboration will follow a hybrid model, combining both in-class and online formats. Live lectures from instructors at Global Sky Ktd. and partner schools in Australia are also planned.

【During Study Abroad】Students will study abroad at an Australian educational institution to earn a Certificate III (in either childcare or nursery care). Supplementary lessons will be provided as needed (with online lessons available from Japan). Practical training in Australia will take place at the centers directly operated by Global Sky Ltd. and at its partner facilities.

【After Study Abroad】Our school, Kyoshin Co., Ltd., and Global Sky Ltd. will provide career support to students returning from Australia, helping them leverage their study abroad experience for employment opportunities. Specifically, job placements will be facilitated at various facilities in Okinawa, Kyoshin’s facilities, Global Sky’s directly operated centers, and international schools across Japan.


Increasing number of Japanese students studying abroad

3rd year: 3 people, 4th year: 5 people
* The first and second years are not included in the student count because they are part of a pre-study abroad program.

Number of Australian partnership agreements signed

1st year: 2 items, 2nd year: 4 items
3rd year onwards: 6 cases

Student Satisfaction

Aim for a satisfaction rate of 80% or more

Improve your English skills

IELTS score of 5.5 or above
*Australian school admission standard

Partner organizations, their roles, and areas of cooperation

[Subtotal and total]
Six (6) Educational institutions / Two (2) companies / Industry associations/
Two (2) government agencies / 10 other agencies in total

Organization Name Roles and Areas of Cooperation Informal Consent
Ooba Gakuen Educational Corporation Project Management
Okinawa College of Welfare and Childcare Development of Curriculum and Pre-study Abroad Program, etc.
Social Work Vocational School Curriculum Development
Imagine Education(Australian Educational Institution) Curriculum Development, Study Abroad Destination, etc.
Charlton Brown/NIET Group(Australian Educational Institution) Curriculum Development, Study Abroad Destination, etc.
TAFE Queensland(Australian Educational Institution) Curriculum Development, Study Abroad Destination, etc.
Global Sky Ltd. (Partner Company in Australia) Curriculum Development, Expanding Study Abroad Opportunities, Student Support, and Job Assistance for Graduates.
Kyoshin Co., Ltd. External Evaluation, Graduate Recruitment, etc.
Study Australia/Australian Embassy Expanding Study Abroad Opportunities
Study Queensland/Queensland Government Expanding Study Abroad Opportunities